Tips to clean your face after party makeup

Tips to clean your face after party makeup

Will your skin turn red for no reason? Will there be flakes the next day? And most of the answers to these questions depend on how you do your post-makeup skincare. Building a post-makeup skincare routine for sensitive skin is important for several reasons.

Apart from the efficient removal of dirt and grime, it also minimizes the chances of skin irritation and flare-ups. If you’re looking for an easy post-makeup skincare routine for sensitive skin, we’ve got you covered. Read on for all the steps you need to follow to build a post-makeup skincare routine for sensitive skin.

Start with Eye and lips:

 If you start with your face, you’re only going to end up smudging mascara all over your freshly cleansed skin, so always start with the heaviest makeup.  Unless you’ve got a super strength lip tint, lipsticks and glosses are easy enough to slick off with some makeup remover on a cotton wool pad or a makeup wipe. These can be quite drying so remember to hydrate your lips with a good balm at the end of your routine.

Eyes are trickier. We’ve all got that one mascara that is beyond waterproof, or the one glittery shadow that clings on for dear life. The best bet for removing makeup that won’t budge is an oil-based makeup remover, this will break down the product and let you wipe it away easier without rubbing your eyes too harshly. Otherwise, for mascara, a lot of brands like Eyeko and Benefit, make their own remover specific to their products. Purchasing a remover with your mascara is a great idea as you know you’re getting the formula you need, making the process way easier. If you’re still struggling, put plenty of makeup remover on a cotton pad and hold them onto your eyes for a little while to soak, some products might just need a little longer to soften. 

Use Cleanser on your Face:

Once your eyes and lips are sorted, you can move onto your face. A great tip for removing makeup is to put on plenty of cleanser like a facemask and let it sit while you brush your teeth or drink some water. This gives the cleanser a bit of time to do its job and break down your makeup ready to be washed away. Grab a muslin cloth or a flannel soaked in warm water and wipe the day away, paying attention to forgotten areas like your hairline, jaw and around your nose.

Use a soap-free face wash:

Use the Simple soap-free Refreshing Facial Wash, a soap-free alternative to regular face washes that works wonders for sensitive skin. With hydrating and soothing properties, the nourishing cleanser will remove all dirt and impurities while revitalising and refreshing your sensitive skin like no other.

Getting toned your skin:

Once your skin is clean and your pores are unclogged, give your face a once-over with a toner. Toner helps to refresh the skin, without taking away any of its natural moisture. Toner is perfect to help get your face ready to soak up all your moisturiser after removing makeup, as cleansing products can be drying. Ideally, you want something soothing as your skin has been through the wars with all that makeup.

Use A light moisturiser: Finally, before you retire for the day, hydrate your skin with a lightweight non-comedogenic moisturiser.Apply plenty of thick moisturiser, gently massage your face and head to bed.  Trying to rub it all over your face.

for more skin care tips and advice pls contact Dr. Manju Keshari at KEMPS, KEMPS SKIN CLINIC is the most advanced laser hair removal & skin care clinic in Ghaziabad, you may book an appointment and get a consultation for skin care and unwanted hair removal.

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