Skin Care Routine for Dry skin

Skin Care Routine for Dry skin

Morning Routine

An Morning routine refers to your early morning skin care schedule. Since we all try to have a positive start to a day, it also makes sense to start one’s day with a proper Cleansing, toning and Moisturizing (CTM) schedule for the best results. 

Step 1: Cleanse your skin

Use a sulfate-free face wash to remove oil, dirt, and sweat that may have accumulated on your face overnight. Cream or oil-based cleansers are usually the best for dry skin. In addition, cream-based cleansers add that extra hydration to your skin because of their thick texture. 

Step 2: Tone it up

Use an alcohol-free toner to hydrate and prep the skin for your skin care products. Using a toxin-free face toner for dry skin in India refreshes your facial skin, does not strip off the natural oils and maintains the skin’s pH balance. 

Step 3: Some serum, please!

Next, apply a nourishing serum of your choice. While there may be various options available in the market, choosing the one that meets your skin’s unique requirements is essential. Using the one with hydrating properties is best if you have dry skin. 

Step 4: Eye cream now!

Sweep a tiny bit of lightweight eye cream under your eyes to nourish and brighten. Since the skin under the eyes is very fragile, you should use light strokes when you massage the skin under the eyes. Using a hydrating eye cream can keep dark circles and puffy eye bags at bay. 

Step 5: Moisturize your skin

Apply a moisturizer to seal all the benefits your products offer. It would also hydrate the skin and help strengthen the skin’s natural moisture barrier. For dry skin, we recommend using a cream-based moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated for longer. You may also use Rosehip oil to get the same results.

Step 6: Don’t skip the sunscreen

Wrap it up with non-greasy sunscreen that has SPF 30 or more. It is essential to use sunscreen, whether you are indoors or outdoors. When you are outdoors, sunscreen acts as a protective barrier that helps to shield your skin against environmental pollutants and harmful UV rays that can wreak havoc on your skin. If your moisturizer already has SPF, you can skip this step.

Tip: Cost should not be a defining factor when buying. Using cheap and simple skin care products may often cost you less but may also cause issues like swelling and itchiness.

Night Routine

The skin naturally repairs itself while you are sleeping. Hence, getting rid of irritants and offering extra nourishment before you turn in is vital. It can be best accomplished using the best quality products of skin care essentials for one’s skin type.

Step 1: Remove makeup

Opt for gentle cleansers to remove all traces of your makeup. Our safe and gentle Rose Micellar Water helps you get the job done with zero fuss. It also comes with an inbuilt silicone applicator brush that gently cleans the dirt and grime without disrupting the natural skin oils.

Step 2: Cleanse up 

Rinse your face with a chemical-free face wash to clean pores and remove any residual dirt or grime accumulated during the day. It is better to use our Apple Cider Vinegar Face Wash or Tea Tree Face Wash that are best suited for people trying to devise a personalized skin care routine for sensitive skin.

Step 3: Tone it up again!

Follow up with a toner to hydrate your skin. It would also help remove excess sebum along with dust, grime, and residual makeup. Using a toxin-free toner would also refresh and tighten the skin pores.

Step 4: Use a face oil or serum

Apply a face oil or serum to hydrate and deeply nourish the skin. It also prevents scars and nourishes the skin cells, making them more resilient to seasonal changes. A face oil or serum perfectly complements a face wash.

Step 5: Eye cream

Apply eye cream around the sensitive area around your eyes to hydrate and brighten, reducing the appearance of dark circles and wrinkles. This skin care product would also help you beat puffiness.

Step 6: Night cream or moisturizer

Seal the benefits of your products with night cream or moisturizer. Since our skin relaxes at night and undergoes a slower cell regeneration process, it loses some moisture. This is where using a moisturizer helps.

Step 6: Sleeping masks, please! 

Sleeping masks are revolutionizing the skin care regime. A sleep mask is used as the last step in a skin care routine. A toxin-free sleeping mask hydrates your skin as you catch up on your beauty sleep. As some of the least-known and best skin care routine products, it helps you wake up to soft, supple, and dewy skin. 

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